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Lyle K.
When Lyle’s mom Abby was this old, she’d hang around with my kids on Shabbat mornings. Abby now lives a block away. I ran into her and Lyle on foot the other day as they returned from a Suzuki lesson. We kept talking when we reached their driveway. This apparently bored Lyle, so she pulled out her ax and started to wail.
One day in late 2018, having tea in our kitchen, I looked up at the skylight and realized…beauty.
Stairwell seclusion
Heading downstairs from my Rawles Hall office in October 2018, I saw the math department stairwell (1927) put this geometric frame around a random student.
Lost in thought
Sue and I got off the trail on the Mendocino coast. Scouting up ahead, I looked back to see this beautiful view. Snap.
On August 21, 2017, the sun was 94% eclipsed in Bloomington, IN. The trees cast zillions of 6% crescent images on the ground. This is what I saw, looking down outside the Lilly Library on the IU Campus.
Like I said, I’m learning Italian. Snapped this on a street south of the Arno in Florence.
Apple of my eye
Granddaughter Ruby, late 2016.
Super moon on 2nd St.
The moon was full *and* as close to Earth as possible on November 14, 2016. I just stepped out of our front door and shot this with my iPhone 7.
Grandson Rami preparing for a game of laser tag two months before turning 10.
Lake Michigan
Kids playing in a freshwater stream moments before it empties into the lake.
Sleeping Bear Dune, Lake Michigan
After living just hours south of the lake for over 30 years, our first visit (August 2016) was a beautiful revelation.
Vancouver Island, Canada
Did an 8 day walk on the southern part of the Island in June 2016. Mountainous Washington State visible in the distance.
Still life with blowtorch
Sue's encaustic (wax) painting workbench.
If I Ran the Circus
Bedtime Seuss with grandson Eliot, just 2 weeks after his sister's January 2016 birth.
Cuban church
Leah snapped this on her visit to Cuba in 2016. I just think it's a cool photo.
Backstage passes!
Actually, they were just tickets to a screening at IU. But if you've memorized Wayne's World as we have at my house, you know what I'm talking about.
Ida T., Edinburgh Scotland
Dear friend and fabulous cook Ida Thompson baked bread for our dinner when daughter Leah and I visited her and her (now, alas late) husband Andrew Ranicki in Edinburgh, July 2014.
Leah in the rye
Actually it's barley. Walked the Speyside trail, where they turn barley into Scotch, with daughter Leah in July 2014.
Sue on a train
After a week walking the English countryside in July 2014, we headed for a niece's wedding in Yorkshire.
Daughter Naima and I after running a 10K together on Thanksgiving day, 2012.
Caught a student trying to boost her performance on my Real Analysis final in December 2013.
San Diego Valentine
Sky-writing on February 14, 2014.
Peruvian Andes
A few hours after snapping this in July 2011, soon-to-be-married daughter Lonica and I began our 4-day trek to Macchu Pichu. Got there on my 58th birthday—unforgettable.
Macchu Picchu
Macchu Picchu is impossible to capture in a photo. I took many, but here’s my best establishing shot. Daughter Lonica on the right and with a fellow traveler in the foreground. The site is beautiful at this distance, but it gets completely magical when you walk in its magnificence.
Light and shadow
Macchu Picchu close-up. I just liked the abstract geometry of this spot. I came away from our trip (and remain) in awe of the Inca’s skill with Big Stone. And, with a deep and abiding disgust for what the Spaniards did to those skillful humans.
Petra, Jordan
I spent spring 2007 on sabbatical at the Technion in Israel. During the passover break, we took a memorable side-trip.
Leucadia sunset
From a fall 2006 sabbatical in San Diego.